Fund continues to deliver

3 Jul 2020 12:47
Published by: Scott Callan


The Stockport Local Fund has awarded £113,166 to community groups across the borough.

Stockport Council has revealed that £50,635 has been handed out in grants from a special ‘Coronavirus Community Support Fund’ and £62,531 has been awarded to groups who applied during the last round of funding.

Amanda Peers, cabinet member for inclusive neighbourhoods, said: “Stockport Council thanks the volunteers and community groups who make up Stockport’s voluntary sector for their crucial work responding to the pandemic.

“We are delighted we have been able to provide over £100,000 of funding for many different groups across Stockport who are providing vital support.

“The funding we have awarded is just part of our Stockport Local ambition to help residents, the voluntary sector and businesses to join together and build stronger communities.

“We will continue to support the amazing work that is taking place at a neighbourhood level by encouraging collaboration and helping organisations find and apply for funding for community projects.”

For help applying for funding visit the funding support web pages:

The council has also profiled some of the ‘amazing community projects’ supported by Stockport Local Fund on its website community pages:

• Young Caritas:

• Lancashire Hill Aid Group:

• Offerton and Great Moor Covid-19 community group:

• PIE: Pursuing Individual Excellence:

• Cherry Tree Project:

• Help your neighbour:

• Mentell:

To get more involved in your local community, or to find support in your neighbourhood, visit the Stockport Local online community directory at:

Stockport Local Fund is currently closed but there will be another opportunity to apply later this year. To make sure you don’t miss out, sign up for email updates at:

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